Don’t let it be you. Let B.U.D. Save your life!


Be Aware, Be Calm

Understand the Situation

Do the Technique That Will Save Your Life


Choking often originates in the larynx – a.k.a. the voice box – which is just below the throat. This is the beginning of the trachea, or windpipe. Choking can also sometimes originate in the oropharynx which comes even before the larynx (meaning, it’s above the larynx). Therefore, if these areas are blocked, or constricted, or are swelling, and you are choking, it has nothing to do with the nose. So, your nose is your key helper here.

In situations like the above, the solution which can save your life is what we call the “B.U.D.” technique. B.U.D. is an acronym for “1) Be Aware 2) Be Calm”, ” 1) Understand the Situation 2) You can Do Something About It”, “Do the Technique”.

Are you aware that 12 people die per day because of choking?

The B.U.D.  technique is like this: 1) Close your mouth. The best assist is flattening your hand then holding it against your jaw to keep it closed and to, 2) breathe in deeply through your nose. The air will bypass the blockage and go to your lungs, filling them with air. By filling your lungs with air, your lungs will fill and expand like a balloon. 3) When your lungs become too filled with air, simple physics will force the air out one way – through your mouth. This forced air from your lungs will dislodge the blockage which will shoot out of your mouth freeing your air passage.